About Us
A full-service podcast production house and consultancy practice
/sono/ – be heard (Lat.: make a sound; Esperanto: sound)
/logue/ – word (Greek -logos, from legein, to speak)
The Company
Started by an Indian multimedia journalist who moved back to India after more than a decade in the US, Sonologue aims to provide clear, entertaining, evocative, and balanced multimedia content for a variety of outlets — national and international media houses, corporates, journalists, communications professionals, not-for-profits, and cultural organizations.
As insiders with an outsider’s perspective, our vantage point finds us evaluating so much around us as a story waiting to be told. We’d like to tap these stories — of economy, culture, trends, and people — stories that reveal our shared humanity, not only crossing boundaries but bridging, transcending, and transforming them.
Founder bio
Chhavi Sachdev
Chhavi Sachdev is a podcast producer, consultant, and coach. She is also the most experienced podcaster in India; she has been making podcasts since 2008 (there was, to be honest, someone who started before her, but last we heard, he had moved to Japan.)
For years, Chhavi has been trying to convince people that there is an intelligent, engaging alternative to radio and video for your brain and I’m delighted it’s finally picking up in India. She’s happy to see media organizations and journalism schools start to make forays. But, there’s a huge learning curve for many of them and it shows in their podcasts.
Chhavi started Sonologue to meet this need in the market. Sonologue is a full-service boutique podcast production house – able to take a podcast idea from concept and scripting to recording and sound design as well as publishing and distribution.
Chhavi has a master’s degree in journalism from Northeastern University, is a lifetime member of the South Asian Journalists Association and has worked with the BBC World Service, National Public Radio, Deutsche Welle, Radio Netherlands, and Public Radio International. She has produced podcasts for Sonologue, Tall Tales, Bound, The Canadian Consulate General and others.